How to Tidy Your Fridge: A Step by Step Guide

When was the last time you cleaned your refrigerator? If you’re like most people, probably not recently. And that’s understandable; you probably don’t spend much time in there over the course of your day. Our step by step guide will help you get organised in no time. Staying organised will help keep your house tidy and avoid unnecessary clutter. Keeping your fridge organised is even more important so that you can make sure you don’t consume expired food or drink.

Start from scratch

In order to ensure that your fridge is not only tidy, but clean and hygienic, you need to make sure it’s clean. Begin by gathering your food and recycling bins, and two large containers. You can do a large part of the sorting as you empty the fridge.

Check the expiration

Remove the items one by one. Check the expiration dates on the items as you remove them. Discard all expired food. Put food waste in the food bin and recycling in your recycling bin. For food you want to keep, put it into one of your containers. Keep any raw meat in the second container to avoid contamination. Check over the food you’re keeping and make sure that there’s no sticky jars, leaking pots or empty containers.

Clean and fresh

After you empty your fridge, clean it thoroughly using a sponge, clean water, and mild soap or kitchen spray. Avoid using abrasive cleaning tools or chemicals which can damage the surface of the fridge. After you’re done cleaning, wipe down the inside of the fridge with vinegar or lemon juice to kill bacteria and keep it smelling fresh. Make sure you wipe the outside of the fridge with a clean cloth, and don’t forget to clean the drainage hole at the back to avoid bad smells.

Tidy the condiments

When you’re restocking your condiments in the fridge, put taller containers at the back and shorter ones at the front to make it easier to access what you need.

Tidy the fresh produce

Most fruits and vegetables should be kept in the produce drawer of the refrigerator. Keep the produce fresh by wrapping them in paper towels or newspaper. This will help absorb excess moisture and keep the produce crisp and fresh. You can also use an airtight container.

Tidy the meat

The meat section of your fridge should be used for raw meat only. Keep the raw meat compartment clean to prevent bacteria from spreading. Try to keep raw meat away from other food. If you don’t have a specific draw for raw meat, keep it at the bottom of the fridge, and consider using a tray or bowl to catch any drips.

Tidy the dairy and prepared food

Keep dairy and other prepared foods on shelves above raw meat. This ensures that meat juices cannot drip on them and contaminate them. For prepared foods, keep track of when you made it using labels.

Tips for staying organised

  • Get a magnetic whiteboard for the front of the fridge, when things get used up, write them on the board so you know what to buy from the shops to avoid overstocking
  • When you buy new items, move the older items to the front and store new items behind
  • If a shelf or drawer becomes empty, wipe it clean each time before restocking

Ready to tidy some other areas? Explore Joyful Minimalism further with our Step by Step Guides to tidying your dressing table, your bathroom cabinet, your children’s toy box, or your craft supplies. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, we have just the guide for you.

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